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Some days…

Do you ever feel like some days you are just chasing your tail – so to speak, or on a tread mill or just in the proverbial loop.

You try to follow all the right networking activities and make sure you keep up and develop your skills.  But it still isn’t doing what you want in getting leads and growing your business.

What is going on? 

I recently read two relevant posts. The first one was written by @Ed Gandia who suggested that perhaps the people you are connecting with may not be the ones who are going to help increase your leads. And an earlier post by @Steve Slaunwhite with a very practical point that practice is your key to using your skills to get better.

While maybe you think you are already making the right connections in your networking and you are writing as much as you can – at least in practice, perhaps you are not.

Sometimes, you just have to step back and try a different approach.

Also check out @Michael Hughes for helpful advice.

#networking #keeptrying

If you review what you are doing, perhaps you have everything in hand and you are on the right track.

And maybe not.

  • Are you reaching out to industries that you want to focus on?
  • Are you making connections with the people who are in roles who can hire you?
  • Have you found some networking groups where there are industry personnel in your field?
  • What writing are you focusing on to sharpen your skills?
  • Is your writing part of what you want to offer to clients?

While these questions may seem obvious, your focus may shift from the industries and writing that you indicate you do, to something else.  And while there is nothing wrong with change, you want to be true to what you indicate on your web site, in your discussions with potential clients, and with your profile.

Above, all keep on writing and work on your skills.